The requirements come from kwant and tkwant. Install instructions from Kwant have been used to write a more thorough guide in what follows.
Enable the “universe” and “multiverse” repositories: open an application called “Software & updates”. In “Ubuntu Software” tab, check the the repos corresponding to “universe” and “multiverse”.
$ sudo apt install git cython3 libhwloc-dev libibverbs-dev libblas-dev libnuma-dev gfortran libmumps-scotch-dev build-essential libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev librsb-dev
$ sudo apt install python3-pip ipython3 python3-mpi4py python3-dill python3-scipy python3-dev python3-matplotlib python3-pytest python3-sympy python3-simplegeneric
$ sudo apt install virtualenv
The same tools and libraries need to be installed, but they have different names.
$ sudo dnf install scotch scotch-devel MUMPS-openmpi-devel MUMPS-openmpi MUMPS MUMPS-devel MUMPS-mpich mpich mpich-devel metis metis-devel openblas* metis64 metis64-devel git gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran lapack-static lapack-devel lapack64-static lapack64-devel``
$ sudo dnf install python3-pip python3-dill python3-Cython python3-devel python3-scipy python3-matplotlib python3-pytest python3-sympy python3-mpmath python3-pickleshare python3-pygments python3-pyparsing python3-simplegeneric python3-traitlets python3-configparser python3-mpi4py-mpich python3-mpi4py-openmpi``
$ sudo dnf install python3-virtualenv python3-virtualenv-api python3-virtualenv-clone python3-virtualenvwrapper python3-pytest-virtualenv
Optional: Use a virtual environment Create a folder that will contain all the virtual environment folders, then create a virtual environment in it (a folder that will contain all the pip3 installs) and finally activate it (it will change the paths so that pip3 will install packages in it and you use its python3 executable)
$ mkdir envs $ cd envs $ virtualenv --system-site-packages tkwantoperator $ source tkwantoperator/bin/activate
Note: the last line “activates” the virtual environment. All pip installs will be made in it. Deactivating the virtual environment simply amounts to write
$ deactivate
Removing a virtual environment simply amounts to deleting its root folder,
in our case by deleting the folder envs/tkwantoperator
$ module load mpi/openmpi-x86_64 # can be mpi/mpich-x86_64
$ export CPATH=/usr/include/openmpi-x86_64/ # can be /usr/include/mpich-x86_64/, it should be consistent with the above line
$ pip3 install git+
$ pip3 install git+
To install updates in any of the git repositories, simply redo the pip install.
Install may fail on linux systems with the latest python and pip version. If so, please retry with the extra --no-build-isolation
argument to pip
You should now be able to use kwant, tkwant and tkwantoperator in the command line in
that virtual environment (if a virtual environment has been used). For example one can run the example script
from Tutorial: Energy and heat transport :
$ wget
$ python3
To make the simulation faster, it is possible to run scripts on several
parallel cores. For example, one can run
on 4 cores
with the following command:
$ mpirun -n 4
Note that in the above command, mpirun
will always use the first
four cores of the CPU: if a second script is run in parallel using the same
command, the same cores will be used to run it, which will make the simulation
slower, since the same cores are used for both simulations. One way around that
is to use mpirun
with --bind-to none
$ mpirun -n 4 --bind-to none python3
The -bind-to none
option is there to not force the OS to use specific
cores to run the 4 copies. This option comes with a caveat: for CPUs with
SMT enabled
the OS may use the additional hardware threads as cores to fill out the asked number
of cores to use by the -n
option, it may also move them around between
hardware threads, which can decrease the performance compared
to -n
option used alone.
There’s also the possibility to chose the hardware threads (whether SMT is enabled or not) on which to run the script
$ mpirun -n 5 --cpu-set 0-4 --bind-to core python3
Where threads 0,1,2,3,4 will be used for the calculations, the same command can be written:
$ mpirun -n 5 --cpu-set 0,1,2,3,4 --bind-to core python3
To run two scripts on the same machine, both on several cores, the best is to manually chose different cores for each script
through the --cpu-set
N.B.: If the used computer has 20 cores, 40 threads (when SMT is enabled). The hardware thread indexing in MPI goes as follows: threads indexed from 0 till 19 are located in physically different cores. The the next 20 threads overlap with the previous ones: 20 is on the same core as 0, 21 with 1 etc…
tkwantoperator source code is available at It can be cloned locally with git:
$ git clone
The older commit history of the energy operators code can be found here:
To build locally the documentation of tkwantoperator
, few additional (on top of the ones needed in Install and run) python packages are required:
$ pip3 install setuptools_scm sphinx jupyter-sphinx sphinx_autodoc_typehints
Latex is also needed to display the generated legends and axis titles in matplotlib
$ sudo apt install texlive-latex-extra cm-super-minimal dvipng
$ sudo dnf install texlive-scheme-medium
The documentation can then be build directly in the doc
folder of the
local tkwantoperator source code repository from the command line:
$ cd path/to/tkwantoperator/tkwantoperator/doc
$ make html
The generated HTML documentation will then be found in the doc/build/html
folder. The root webpage is doc/build/html/index.html
, it can be opened with a web browser to browse the generated documentation.
If one made changes to the code of the energy operators and would like to know if the already present tests still pass successfully,
one can use a specific virtual environment with the required packages, without tkwantoperator
installed in it:
$ virtualenv --system-site-packages tkwantoperator-dev
$ source tkwantoperator-dev/bin/activate
$ pip3 install --upgrade pytest setuptools_scm git+
Then do an in-place compilation of the modified tkwantoperator
source code to be finally able to run pytest
$ cd path/to/tkwantoperator-source-folder
$ python3 build
$ python3 build_ext -i
$ pytest tkwantoperator