1.2. Authors¶
The tkwant authors can be reached at tkwant-authors@kwant-project.org.
The principal developers of tkwant are
Joseph Weston (TU Delft, CEA Grenoble)
Thomas Kloss (CEA Grenoble, HLRS)
Christoph Groth (CEA Grenoble)
Xavier Waintal (CEA Grenoble)
Contributors to tkwant include
Benoît Gaury (CEA Grenoble)
Benoît Rossignol (CEA Grenoble)
Tatiane Pereira dos Santos (CEA Grenoble)
Phillipp Reck (CEA Saclay)
Adel Kara Slimane (CEA Saclay)
Geneviève Fleury (CEA Saclay)
Baptiste Anselme Martin (CEA Grenoble)
Bas Nijholt (Microsoft)
(CEA = Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, HLRS = Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart)