# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2020 tkwant authors.
# This file is part of tkwant. It is subject to the license terms in the file
# LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
# http://kwant-project.org/license. A list of tkwant authors can be found in
# the file AUTHORS.rst at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
# http://kwant-project.org/authors.
"""Tools for extracting time-dependent parts of Kwant systems."""
import numpy as np
import inspect
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
import scipy.sparse as sps
from .import _common
__all__ = ['hamiltonian_with_boundaries', 'add_time_to_params',
'is_time_dependent_function', 'orb_range', 'ExtendedSystem']
[docs]def add_time_to_params(params, time_name, time, check_numeric_type=False):
"""Add a ``time_name: time`` key-value pair to a ``params`` dict.
params : dict or None
Input dict. Can be empty or None. ``params`` must
not contain the ``time_name`` key - this will raise a `KeyError`.
time_name : obj
A dict key to refer to the "time".
time : obj
The actual value of "time".
check_numeric_type : bool, optional
If true, check if the `time` argument is a finite real number.
By default, no check is performed.
tparams : dict
A copy of the input dict ``params`` that contains an additional
``time_name: time`` key-value pair.
if check_numeric_type:
if not _common.is_type(time, 'real_number', require_finite=True):
raise TypeError('time must be a finite real number')
if params is None:
tparams = {}
if time_name in params:
raise KeyError("'params' must not contain {}".format(time_name))
tparams = params.copy()
tparams[time_name] = time
return tparams
[docs]def is_time_dependent_function(obj, time_name):
"""Return `True` if `obj` is callable and has a time argument"""
return callable(obj) and time_name in str(inspect.signature(obj))
class ExtendedSystem:
"""Hamiltonian matrix of central system + boundary conditions.
hamiltonian : `~scipy.sparse.coo_matrix`
The Hamiltonian matrix of the central system + boundary conditions.
boundary_slices : sequence of `slice`
Slices into ``hamiltonian`` that project onto the boundary conditions.
solution_validators : sequence of callable
One callable per boundary condition. Each callable takes a single
argument, an array representing a solution *inside the boundary
conditions*, and returns True if the solution is valid, and False
time_validators : sequence of callable
One callable per boundary condition. Each callable has signature
``(next_time)`` and return True if the given boundary condition
can be used up to the time ``next_time``, otherwise returns False.
syst : `~kwant.system.FiniteSystem`
The original kwant system.
def __init__(self, hamiltonian, boundary_slices,
solution_validators, time_validators, syst):
self.hamiltonian = hamiltonian
self.boundary_slices = boundary_slices
self.syst = syst
self._solution_validators = solution_validators
self._time_validators = time_validators
def solution_is_valid(self, solution):
return all(is_valid(solution[boundary]) for is_valid, boundary
in zip(self._solution_validators, self.boundary_slices))
def time_is_valid(self, time):
return all(is_valid(time) for is_valid in self._time_validators)
[docs]def hamiltonian_with_boundaries(syst, boundaries, params):
r"""Generate the Hamiltonian with boundary conditions attached.
Only generate the time-independent part of the Hamiltonian.
The boundary conditions are represented by matrices :math:`h_n`
(one per lead) that will form a direct sum with the Hamiltonian
of the central system, :math:`H_S`:
.. math:: H_{tot} = H_S \oplus h_0 \oplus h_1 \oplus \cdots
In addition, coupling terms given by the lead inter-cell
hoppings will be added between the added boundary conditions
and the corresponding lead interface in the central system
syst : `~kwant.system.FiniteSystem`
System with leads attached.
boundaries : sequence of `~tkwant.leads.BoundaryBase`
The boundary conditions to attach; one per lead.
params : dict, optional
Extra arguments to pass to the Hamiltonian of ``syst`` at the
initial time. Must include the time argument explicitly if
Hamiltonian is time dependent.
The Hamiltonian of the central system, evaluated at t=0,
with boundary conditions attached, and accompanying metadata.
if not len(syst.leads) == len(boundaries):
raise ValueError('Number of leads= {} does not match '
'the number of boundaries provided= {}'
.format(len(syst.leads), len(boundaries)))
# generate time-independent Hamiltonian and boundary condition
# matrices and glue them together
boundaries = [bc(lead, params) for lead, bc in zip(syst.leads, boundaries)]
h_0 = syst.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=params, sparse=True)
h_tot = sps.block_diag([h_0] + [bdy.hamiltonian for bdy in boundaries],
boundary_slices = []
# couple central system to boundary conditions and vice versa
orb_offset = h_0.shape[0]
for lead, lead_iface, boundary in zip(syst.leads, syst.lead_interfaces,
V = lead.inter_cell_hopping(params=params)
# slices over lead interface orbitals within the lead
num_iface_sites = lead.graph.num_nodes - lead.cell_size
V_slices = [slice(*orb_range(lead, s)) for s in range(num_iface_sites)]
# slices going *to* and *from* the boundary conditions/central system
to_slices = [slice(*(s + orb_offset)) for s in boundary.to_slices]
from_slices = [slice(*(s + orb_offset)) for s in boundary.from_slices]
# iterate through all sites in the interface -- they have to
# be treated separately, as interface sites in `syst` are not
# necessarily grouped consecutively.
for syst_site, V_slice in zip(lead_iface, V_slices):
syst_slice = slice(*orb_range(syst, syst_site))
# coupled *to* system, *from* boundary conditions
for to_slice in to_slices:
h_tot[syst_slice, to_slice] =\
V[:, V_slice].conjugate().transpose()
# couple *from* system, *to* boundary conditions
for from_slice in from_slices:
h_tot[from_slice, syst_slice] = V[:, V_slice]
# remember which orbitals correspond to this boundary condition
orb_offset + boundary.hamiltonian.shape[0]))
# now point to the start of the next boundary condition block
orb_offset += boundary.hamiltonian.shape[0]
solution_is_valid = [bdy.solution_is_valid for bdy in boundaries]
time_is_valid = [bdy.time_is_valid for bdy in boundaries]
return ExtendedSystem(h_tot, boundary_slices,
solution_is_valid, time_is_valid, syst)
[docs]def orb_range(syst, site):
"""Return the first orbital of this and the next site.
syst : `~kwant.system.System`
site : int
pair of integers
assert 0 <= site < syst.graph.num_nodes
if syst.site_ranges is None:
raise RuntimeError('Number of orbitals not defined.\n'
'Declare the number of orbitals using the `norbs` '
'keyword argument when constructing site families')
# Calculate the index of the run that contains the site.
column = np.asarray(syst.site_ranges)[:, 0]
run_idx = np.searchsorted(column, site, 'right') - 1
# calculate the slice
first_site, norbs, orb_offset = syst.site_ranges[run_idx]
orb = orb_offset + (site - first_site) * norbs
return orb, orb + norbs