
kwant.plotter.mask_interpolate(coords, values, a=None, method='nearest', oversampling=3)

Interpolate a scalar function in vicinity of given points.

Create a masked array corresponding to interpolated values of the function at points lying not further than a certain distance from the original data points provided.


coords : np.ndarray

An array with site coordinates.

values : np.ndarray

An array with the values from which the interpolation should be built.

a : float, optional

Reference length. If not given, it is determined as a typical nearest neighbor distance.

method : string, optional

Passed to scipy.interpolate.griddata: “nearest” (default), “linear”, or “cubic”

oversampling : integer, optional

Number of pixels per reference length. Defaults to 3.


array : 2d NumPy array

The interpolated values.

min, max : vectors

The real-space coordinates of the two extreme ([0, 0] and [-1, -1]) points of array.


  • min and max are chosen such that when plotting a system on a square lattice and oversampling is set to an odd integer, each site will lie exactly at the center of a pixel of the output array.
  • When plotting a system on a square lattice and method is “nearest”, it makes sense to set oversampling to 1. Then, each site will correspond to exactly one pixel in the resulting array.

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