(h_cell, h_hop, tol=1000000.0, stabilization=None)¶Compute the eigendecomposition of a translation operator of a lead.
Parameters: | h_cell : numpy array, real or complex, shape (N,N) The unit cell
h_hop : numpy array, real or complex, shape (N,M)
tol : float
stabilization : list of 2 booleans or None
Returns: | propagating :
stabilized :
The propagating modes are sorted according to the longitudinal component of their k-vector, with incoming modes having k sorted in descending order, and outgoing modes having k sorted in ascending order. In simple cases where bands do not cross, this ordering corresponds to “lowest modes first”. In general, however, it is necessary to examine the band structure – something this function is not doing by design.
Propagating modes with the same momentum are orthogonalized. All the propagating modes are normalized by current.
This function uses the most stable and efficient algorithm for calculating the mode decomposition that the Kwant authors are aware about. Its details are to be published.