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1# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors. 


3# This file is part of Kwant. It is subject to the license terms in the file 

4# LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at 

5# https://kwant-project.org/license. A list of Kwant authors can be found in 

6# the file AUTHORS.rst at the top-level directory of this distribution and at 

7# https://kwant-project.org/authors. 

8"""Functions for fixing the magnetic gauge automatically in a Kwant system. 



11The "gauge" module has been included in Kwant on a provisional basis. 

12Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including removal of the package) 

13may occur if deemed necessary by the core developers. 



16import bisect 

17from functools import partial 

18from itertools import permutations 


20import numpy as np 

21import scipy 

22from scipy.integrate import dblquad 

23from scipy.sparse import csgraph 


25from .. import system, builder 


27from ..graph.dijkstra import dijkstra_directed 


29__all__ = ['magnetic_gauge'] 



32### Integation 


34# Integrate vector field over triangle, for internal use by '_surface_integral' 

35# Triangle is (origin, origin + v1, origin + v2), 'n' is np.cross(v1, v2) 


37def _quad_triangle(f, origin, v1, v2, n, tol): 

38 if np.dot(n, n) < tol**2: # does triangle have significant area? 38 ↛ 39line 38 didn't jump to line 39, because the condition on line 38 was never true

39 return 0 


41 def g(x, y): 

42 return np.dot(n, f(origin + x * v1 + y * v2)) 


44 result, *_ = dblquad(g, 0, 1, lambda x: 0, lambda x: 1-x) 

45 return result.real 



48def _const_triangle(f, origin, v1, v2, n, tol): 

49 return np.dot(f, n) / 2 



52def _average_triangle(f, origin, v1, v2, n, tol): 

53 return np.dot(n, f(origin + 1/3 * (v1 + v2))) / 2 



56def _surface_integral(f, loop, tol=1e-8, average=False): 

57 """Calculate the surface integral of 'f' over a surface enclosed by 'loop'. 


59 This function only works for *divergence free* vector fields, where the 

60 surface integral depends only on the boundary. 


62 Parameters 

63 ---------- 

64 f : callable or real n-vector 

65 The vector field for which to calculate the surface integral. 

66 If callable, takes a real n-vector as argument and returns a 

67 real n-vector. 

68 loop : sequence of vectors 

69 Ordered sequence of real n-vectors (positions) that define the 

70 vertices of the polygon that encloses the surface to integrate over. 

71 tol : float, default: 1e-8 

72 Error tolerance on the result. 

73 average : bool, default: False 

74 If True, approximate the integral over each triangle using a 

75 single function evaluation at the centre of the triangle. 

76 """ 

77 if callable(f): 

78 integrator = _average_triangle if average else _quad_triangle 

79 else: 

80 integrator = _const_triangle 


82 origin, *points = loop 

83 integral = 0 

84 # Split loop into triangles with 1 vertex on 'origin', evaluate 

85 # the integral over each triangle and sum the result 

86 for p1, p2 in zip(points, points[1:]): 

87 v1 = p1 - origin 

88 v2 = p2 - origin 

89 n = np.cross(v1, v2) 

90 integral += integrator(f, origin, v1, v2, n, tol) 

91 return integral 



94### Loop finding graph algorithm 


96def _find_loops(graph, subgraph): 

97 """ 

98 Parameters 

99 ---------- 

100 graph : COO matrix 

101 The complete undirected graph, where the values of the matrix are 

102 the weights of the corresponding graph links. 

103 subgraph : COO matrix 

104 An subgraph of 'graph', with missing edges denoted by infinities. 

105 Must have the same sparsity structure as 'graph'. 


107 Returns 

108 ------- 

109 A sequence of paths which are partially contained in the subgraph. 

110 The loop is formed by adding a link between the first and last node. 


112 The ordering is such that the paths are made of links that belong to 

113 the subgraph or to the previous closed loops. 

114 """ 

115 # For each link we do 1 update of 'subgraph' and a call to 

116 # 'csgraph.shortest_path'. It is cheaper to update the CSR 

117 # matrix rather than convert to LIL and back every iteration. 

118 subgraph = subgraph.tocsr() 

119 graph = graph.tocsr() 

120 assert _same_sparsity_structure(subgraph, graph) 


122 # Links in graph, but not in subgraph. 

123 links_to_find = scipy.sparse.triu(graph - subgraph).tocoo() 

124 links_to_find = np.vstack((links_to_find.row, links_to_find.col)).transpose() 


126 links_to_find, min_length = _order_links(subgraph, links_to_find) 


128 # Find shortest path between each link in turn, updating the subgraph with 

129 # the links as we go. 

130 loops = [] 

131 while len(links_to_find) > 0: 

132 frm, to = links_to_find[0] 

133 (path,), (path_length,) = dijkstra_directed(subgraph, 

134 sources=np.array([frm]), 

135 targets=np.array([to])) 


137 # Reorder links that are still to find based on the loop length in 

138 # the updated graph. We only reorder when the path length for *this* 

139 # link is a "little bit" longer that the perviously determined minimum. 

140 # The "little bit" is needed so we don't needlessly re-order the links 

141 # on amorphous lattices. 

142 if path_length > min_length * 1.1: 

143 links_to_find, min_length = _order_links(subgraph, links_to_find) 

144 else: 

145 # Assumes that 'graph' and 'subgraph' have the same sparsity structure. 

146 _assign_csr(subgraph, graph, (frm, to)) 

147 _assign_csr(subgraph, graph, (to, frm)) 

148 loops.append(path) 

149 links_to_find = links_to_find[1:] 


151 return loops 



154def _order_links(subgraph, links_to_find): 

155 if len(links_to_find) == 0: 

156 return [], None 

157 # Order 'links_to_find' by length of shortest path between the nodes of the link 

158 path_lengths = dijkstra_directed(subgraph, 

159 sources=links_to_find[:, 0], 

160 targets=links_to_find[:, 1], 

161 return_paths=False) 

162 idxs = np.argsort(path_lengths) 

163 return links_to_find[idxs], path_lengths[idxs[0]] 



166### Generic sparse matrix utilities 


168def _assign_csr(a, b, element): 

169 """Assign a single element from a CSR matrix to another. 


171 Parameters 

172 ---------- 

173 a : CSR matrix 

174 b : CSR matrix or scalar 

175 If a CSR matrix, must have the same sparsity structure 

176 as 'a'. If a scalar, must be the same dtype as 'a'. 

177 element: (int, int) 

178 Row and column indices of the element to set. 

179 """ 

180 assert isinstance(a, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) 

181 row, col = element 

182 for j in range(a.indptr[row], a.indptr[row + 1]): 182 ↛ 186line 182 didn't jump to line 186, because the loop on line 182 didn't complete

183 if a.indices[j] == col: 

184 break 

185 else: 

186 raise ValueError('{} not in sparse matrix'.format(element)) 

187 if isinstance(b, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix): 

188 a.data[j] = b.data[j] 

189 else: 

190 a.data[j] = b 



193def _same_sparsity_structure(a, b): 

194 a = a.tocsr().sorted_indices() 

195 b = b.tocsr().sorted_indices() 

196 return (np.array_equal(a.indices, b.indices) 

197 and np.array_equal(a.indptr, b.indptr)) 



200def _add_coo_matrices(*mats, shape): 

201 """Add a sequence of COO matrices by appending their constituent arrays.""" 

202 values = np.hstack([mat.data for mat in mats]) 

203 rows = np.hstack([mat.row for mat in mats]) 

204 cols = np.hstack([mat.col for mat in mats]) 

205 return scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((values, (rows, cols)), shape=shape) 



208def _shift_diagonally(mat, shift, shape): 

209 """Shift the row/column indices of a COO matrix.""" 

210 return scipy.sparse.coo_matrix( 

211 (mat.data, (mat.row + shift, mat.col + shift)), 

212 shape=shape) 



215def _distance_matrix(links, pos, shape): 

216 """Return the distances between the provided links as a COO matrix. 


218 Parameters 

219 ---------- 

220 links : sequence of pairs of int 

221 The links for which to find the lengths. 

222 pos : callable: int -> vector 

223 Map from link ends (integers) to realspace position. 

224 shape : tuple 

225 """ 

226 if len(links) == 0: # numpy does not like 'if array' 226 ↛ 227line 226 didn't jump to line 227, because the condition on line 226 was never true

227 return scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(shape) 

228 links = np.array(links) 

229 distances = np.array([pos(i) - pos(j) for i, j in links]) 

230 distances = np.linalg.norm(distances, axis=1) 

231 return scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((distances, links.T), shape=shape) 



234### Loop finding 


236# All of these functions take a finalized Kwant system and return 

237# a sequence of loops. Each loop is a sequence of sites (integers) 

238# that one visits when traversing the loop. The first and final sites 

239# are assumed to be linked, which closes the loop. The links that one 

240# traverses when going round a loop is thus: 


242# list(zip(loop, loop[1:])) + [(loop[-1], loop[0])] 


244# These loops are later used to fix the magnetic gauge in the system. 

245# All of the links except the final one are assumed to have their gauge 

246# fixed (i.e. the phase across them is known), and gauge of the final 

247# link is the one to be determined. 



250def _loops_in_finite(syst): 

251 """Find the loops in a finite system with no leads. 


253 The site indices in the returned loops are those of the system, 

254 so they may be used as indices to 'syst.sites', or with 'syst.pos'. 

255 """ 

256 assert isinstance(syst, system.FiniteSystem) and syst.leads == [] 

257 nsites = len(syst.sites) 


259 # Fix the gauge across the minimum spanning tree of the system graph. 

260 graph = _distance_matrix(list(syst.graph), 

261 pos=syst.pos, shape=(nsites, nsites)) 

262 spanning_tree = _shortest_distance_forest(graph) 

263 return _find_loops(graph, spanning_tree) 



266def _shortest_distance_forest(graph): 

267 # Grow a forest of minimum distance trees for all connected components of the graph 

268 graph = graph.tocsr() 

269 tree = graph.copy() 

270 # set every entry in tree to infinity 

271 tree.data[:] = np.inf 

272 unvisited = set(range(graph.shape[0])) 

273 # set the target node to be greater than any node in the graph. 

274 # This way we explore the whole graph. 

275 end = np.array([graph.shape[0] + 1], dtype=np.int32) 


277 while unvisited: 

278 # Choose an arbitrary element as the root 

279 root = unvisited.pop() 

280 root = np.array([root], dtype=np.int32) 

281 _, pred = dijkstra_directed(graph, sources=root, targets=end, 

282 return_predecessors=True, return_paths=False) 

283 for i, p in enumerate(pred): 

284 # -1 if node 'i' has no predecessor. Either it is the root node, 

285 # or it was not reached. 

286 if p != -1: 

287 unvisited.remove(i) 

288 _assign_csr(tree, graph, (i, p)) 

289 _assign_csr(tree, graph, (p, i)) 

290 return tree 



293def _loops_in_infinite(syst): 

294 """Find the loops in an infinite system. 


296 Returns 

297 ------- 

298 loops : sequence of sequences of integers 

299 The sites in the returned loops belong to two adjacent unit 

300 cells. The first 'syst.cell_size' sites are in the first 

301 unit cell, and the next 'sys.cell_size' are in the next 

302 (in the direction of the translational symmetry). 

303 extended_sites : callable : int -> Site 

304 Given a site index in the extended system consisting of 

305 two unit cells, returns the associated high-level 

306 `kwant.system.Site`. 

307 """ 

308 assert isinstance(syst, system.InfiniteSystem) 

309 _check_infinite_syst(syst) 


311 cell_size = syst.cell_size 


313 unit_cell_links = [(i, j) for i, j in syst.graph 

314 if i < cell_size and j < cell_size] 

315 unit_cell_graph = _distance_matrix(unit_cell_links, 

316 pos=syst.pos, 

317 shape=(cell_size, cell_size)) 


319 # Loops in the interior of the unit cell 

320 spanning_tree = _shortest_distance_forest(unit_cell_graph) 

321 loops = _find_loops(unit_cell_graph, spanning_tree) 


323 # Construct an extended graph consisting of 2 unit cells connected 

324 # by the inter-cell links. 

325 extended_shape = (2 * cell_size, 2 * cell_size) 

326 uc1 = _shift_diagonally(unit_cell_graph, 0, shape=extended_shape) 

327 uc2 = _shift_diagonally(unit_cell_graph, cell_size, shape=extended_shape) 

328 hop_links = [(i, j) for i, j in syst.graph if j >= cell_size] 

329 hop = _distance_matrix(hop_links, 

330 pos=syst.pos, 

331 shape=extended_shape) 

332 graph = _add_coo_matrices(uc1, uc2, hop, hop.T, 

333 shape=extended_shape) 


335 # Construct a subgraph where only the shortest link between the 

336 # 2 unit cells is added. The other links are added with infinite 

337 # values, so that the subgraph has the same sparsity structure 

338 # as 'graph'. 

339 idx = np.argmin(hop.data) 

340 data = np.full_like(hop.data, np.inf) 

341 data[idx] = hop.data[idx] 

342 smallest_edge = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix( 

343 (data, (hop.row, hop.col)), 

344 shape=extended_shape) 

345 subgraph = _add_coo_matrices(uc1, uc2, smallest_edge, smallest_edge.T, 

346 shape=extended_shape) 


348 # Use these two graphs to find the loops between unit cells. 

349 loops.extend(_find_loops(graph, subgraph)) 


351 def extended_sites(i): 

352 unit_cell = np.array([i // cell_size]) 

353 site = syst.sites[i % cell_size] 

354 return syst.symmetry.act(-unit_cell, site) 


356 return loops, extended_sites 



359def _loops_in_composite(syst): 

360 """Find the loops in finite system with leads. 


362 Parameters 

363 ---------- 

364 syst : kwant.builder.FiniteSystem 


366 Returns 

367 ------- 

368 loops : sequence of sequences of integers 

369 The sites in each loop belong to the extended scattering region 

370 (see notes). The first and last site in each loop are guaranteed 

371 to be in 'syst'. 

372 which_patch : callable : int -> int 

373 Given a site index in the extended scattering region (see notes), 

374 returns the lead patch (see notes) to which the site belongs. Returns 

375 -1 if the site is part of the reduced scattering region (see notes). 

376 extended_sites : callable : int -> Site 

377 Given a site index in the extended scattering region (see notes), 

378 returns the associated high-level `kwant.system.Site`. 


380 Notes 

381 ----- 

382 extended scattering region 

383 The scattering region with a single lead unit cell attached at 

384 each interface. This unit cell is added so that we can "see" any 

385 loops formed with sites in the lead (see 'check_infinite_syst' 

386 for details). The sites for each lead are added in the same 

387 order as the leads, and within a given added unit cell the sites 

388 are ordered in the same way as the associated lead. 

389 lead patch 

390 Sites in the extended scattering region that belong to the added 

391 unit cell for a given lead, or the lead padding for a given lead 

392 are said to be in the "lead patch" for that lead. 

393 reduced scattering region 

394 The sites of the extended scattering region that are not 

395 in a lead patch. 

396 """ 

397 # Check that we can consistently fix the gauge in the scattering region, 

398 # given that we have independently fixed gauges in the leads. 

399 _check_composite_system(syst) 


401 # Get distance matrix for the extended scattering region, 

402 # a function that maps sites to their lead patches (-1 for sites 

403 # in the reduced scattering region), and a function that maps sites 

404 # to high-level 'kwant.system.Site' objects. 

405 distance_matrix, which_patch, extended_sites =\ 

406 _extended_scattering_region(syst) 


408 spanning_tree = _spanning_tree_composite(distance_matrix, which_patch).tocsr() 


410 # Fill in all links with at least 1 site in a lead patch; 

411 # their gauge is fixed by the lead gauge. 

412 for i, j, v in zip(distance_matrix.row, distance_matrix.col, 

413 distance_matrix.data): 

414 if which_patch(i) > -1 or which_patch(j) > -1: 

415 _assign_csr(spanning_tree, v, (i, j)) 

416 _assign_csr(spanning_tree, v, (j, i)) 


418 loops = _find_loops(distance_matrix, spanning_tree) 


420 return loops, which_patch, extended_sites 



423def _extended_scattering_region(syst): 

424 """Return the distance matrix of a finite system with 1 unit cell 

425 added to each lead interface. 


427 Parameters 

428 ---------- 

429 syst : kwant.builder.FiniteSystem 


431 Returns 

432 ------- 

433 extended_scattering_region: COO matrix 

434 Distance matrix between connected sites in the extended 

435 scattering region. 

436 which_patch : callable : int -> int 

437 Given a site index in the extended scattering region, returns 

438 the lead patch to which the site belongs. Returns 

439 -1 if the site is part of the reduced scattering region. 

440 extended_sites : callable : int -> Site 

441 Given a site index in the extended scattering region, returns 

442 the associated high-level `kwant.system.Site`. 


444 Notes 

445 ----- 

446 Definitions of the terms 'extended scatteringr region', 

447 'lead patch' and 'reduced scattering region' are given 

448 in the notes for `kwant.physics.gauge._loops_in_composite`. 

449 """ 

450 extended_size = (syst.graph.num_nodes 

451 + sum(l.cell_size for l in syst.leads)) 

452 extended_shape = (extended_size, extended_size) 


454 added_unit_cells = [] 

455 first_lead_site = syst.graph.num_nodes 

456 for lead, interface in zip(syst.leads, syst.lead_interfaces): 

457 # Here we assume that the distance between sites in the added 

458 # unit cell and sites in the interface is the same as between sites 

459 # in neighboring unit cells. 

460 uc = _distance_matrix(list(lead.graph), 

461 pos=lead.pos, shape=extended_shape) 

462 # Map unit cell lead sites to their indices in the extended scattering, 

463 # region and sites in next unit cell to their interface sites. 

464 hop_from_syst = uc.row >= lead.cell_size 

465 uc.row[~hop_from_syst] = uc.row[~hop_from_syst] + first_lead_site 

466 uc.row[hop_from_syst] = interface[uc.row[hop_from_syst] - lead.cell_size] 

467 # Same for columns 

468 hop_to_syst = uc.col >= lead.cell_size 

469 uc.col[~hop_to_syst] = uc.col[~hop_to_syst] + first_lead_site 

470 uc.col[hop_to_syst] = interface[uc.col[hop_to_syst] - lead.cell_size] 


472 added_unit_cells.append(uc) 

473 first_lead_site += lead.cell_size 


475 scattering_region = _distance_matrix(list(syst.graph), 

476 pos=syst.pos, shape=extended_shape) 


478 extended_scattering_region = _add_coo_matrices(scattering_region, 

479 *added_unit_cells, 

480 shape=extended_shape) 


482 lead_starts = np.cumsum([syst.graph.num_nodes, 

483 *[lead.cell_size for lead in syst.leads]]) 

484 # Frozenset to quickly check 'is this site in the lead padding?' 

485 extra_sites = [frozenset(sites) for sites in syst.lead_paddings] 



488 def which_patch(i): 

489 if i < len(syst.sites): 

490 # In scattering region 

491 for patch_num, sites in enumerate(extra_sites): 

492 if i in sites: 

493 return patch_num 

494 # If not in 'extra_sites' it is in the reduced scattering region. 

495 return -1 

496 else: 

497 # Otherwise it's in an attached lead cell 

498 which_lead = bisect.bisect(lead_starts, i) - 1 

499 assert which_lead > -1 

500 return which_lead 



503 # Here we use the fact that all the sites in a lead interface belong 

504 # to the same symmetry domain. 

505 interface_domains = [lead.symmetry.which(syst.sites[interface[0]]) 

506 for lead, interface in 

507 zip(syst.leads, syst.lead_interfaces)] 


509 def extended_sites(i): 

510 if i < len(syst.sites): 

511 # In scattering region 

512 return syst.sites[i] 

513 else: 

514 # Otherwise it's in an attached lead cell 

515 which_lead = bisect.bisect(lead_starts, i) - 1 

516 assert which_lead > -1 

517 lead = syst.leads[which_lead] 

518 domain = interface_domains[which_lead] + 1 

519 # Map extended scattering region site index to site index in lead. 

520 i = i - lead_starts[which_lead] 

521 return lead.symmetry.act(domain, lead.sites[i]) 


523 return extended_scattering_region, which_patch, extended_sites 



526def _interior_links(distance_matrix, which_patch): 

527 """Return the indices of the links in 'distance_matrix' that 

528 connect interface sites of the scattering region to other 

529 sites (interface and non-interface) in the scattering region. 

530 """ 


532 def _is_in_lead(i): 

533 return which_patch(i) > -1 


535 # Sites that connect to/from sites in a lead patch 

536 interface_sites = { 

537 (i if not _is_in_lead(i) else j) 

538 for i, j in zip(distance_matrix.row, distance_matrix.col) 

539 if _is_in_lead(i) ^ _is_in_lead(j) 

540 } 


542 def _we_want(i, j): 

543 return i in interface_sites and not _is_in_lead(j) 


545 # Links that connect interface sites to the rest of the scattering region. 

546 return np.array([ 

547 k 

548 for k, (i, j) in enumerate(zip(distance_matrix.row, distance_matrix.col)) 

549 if _we_want(i, j) or _we_want(j, i) 

550 ]) 



553def _make_metatree(graph, links_to_delete): 

554 """Make a tree of the components of 'graph' that are 

555 disconnected by deleting 'links'. The values of 

556 the returned tree are indices of edges in 'graph' 

557 that connect components. 

558 """ 

559 # Partition the graph into disconnected components 

560 dl = partial(np.delete, obj=links_to_delete) 

561 partitioned_graph = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix( 

562 (dl(graph.data), (dl(graph.row), dl(graph.col))) 

563 ) 

564 # Construct the "metagraph", where each component is reduced to 

565 # a single node, and a representative (smallest) edge is chosen 

566 # among the edges that connected the components in the original graph. 

567 ncc, labels = csgraph.connected_components(partitioned_graph) 

568 metagraph = scipy.sparse.dok_matrix((ncc, ncc), int) 

569 for k in links_to_delete: 

570 i, j = labels[graph.row[k]], labels[graph.col[k]] 

571 if i == j: 

572 continue # Discard loop edges 

573 # Add a representative (smallest) edge from each graph component. 

574 if graph.data[k] < metagraph.get((i, j), np.inf): 

575 metagraph[i, j] = k 

576 metagraph[j, i] = k 


578 return csgraph.minimum_spanning_tree(metagraph).astype(int) 



581def _spanning_tree_composite(distance_matrix, which_patch): 

582 """Find a spanning tree for a composite system. 


584 We cannot use a simple minimum-distance spanning tree because 

585 we have the additional constraint that all links with at least 

586 one end in a lead patch have their gauge fixed. See the notes 

587 for details. 


589 Parameters 

590 ---------- 

591 distance_matrix : COO matrix 

592 Distance matrix between connected sites in the extended 

593 scattering region. 

594 which_patch : callable : int -> int 

595 Given a site index in the extended scattering region (see notes), 

596 returns the lead patch (see notes) to which the site belongs. Returns 

597 -1 if the site is part of the reduced scattering region (see notes). 

598 Returns 

599 ------- 

600 spanning_tree : CSR matrix 

601 A spanning tree with the same sparsity structure as 'distance_matrix', 

602 where missing links are denoted with infinite weights. 


604 Notes 

605 ----- 

606 Definitions of the terms 'extended scattering region', 'lead patch' 

607 and 'reduced scattering region' are given in the notes for 

608 `kwant.physics.gauge._loops_in_composite`. 


610 We cannot use a simple minimum-distance spanning tree because 

611 we have the additional constraint that all links with at least 

612 one end in a lead patch have their gauge fixed. 

613 Consider the following case using a minimum-distance tree 

614 where 'x' are sites in the lead patch:: 


616 o-o-x o-o-x 

617 | | | --> | | 

618 o-o-x o-o x 


620 The removed link on the lower right comes from the lead, and hence 

621 is gauge-fixed, however the vertical link in the center is not in 

622 the lead, but *is* in the tree, which means that we will fix its 

623 gauge to 0. The loop on the right would thus not have the correct 

624 gauge on all links. 


626 Instead we first cut all links between *interface* sites and 

627 sites in the scattering region (including other interface sites). 

628 We then construct a minimum distance forest for these disconnected 

629 graphs. Finally we add back links from the ones that were cut, 

630 ensuring that we do not form any loops; we do this by contructing 

631 a tree of representative links from the "metagraph" of components 

632 that were disconnected by the link cutting. 

633 """ 

634 # Links that connect interface sites to other sites in the 

635 # scattering region (including other interface sites) 

636 links_to_delete = _interior_links(distance_matrix, which_patch) 

637 # Make a shortest distance tree for each of the components 

638 # obtained by cutting the links. 

639 cut_syst = distance_matrix.copy() 

640 cut_syst.data[links_to_delete] = np.inf 

641 forest = _shortest_distance_forest(cut_syst) 

642 # Connect the forest back up with representative links until 

643 # we have a single tree (if the original system was not connected, 

644 # we get a forest). 

645 metatree = _make_metatree(distance_matrix, links_to_delete) 

646 for k in np.unique(metatree.data): 

647 value = distance_matrix.data[k] 

648 i, j = distance_matrix.row[k], distance_matrix.col[k] 

649 _assign_csr(forest, value, (i, j)) 

650 _assign_csr(forest, value, (j, i)) 


652 return forest 



655def _check_infinite_syst(syst): 

656 r"""Check that the unit cell is a connected graph. 


658 If the unit cell is not connected then we cannot be sure whether 

659 there are loops or not just by inspecting the unit cell graph 

660 (this may be a solved problem, but we could not find an algorithm 

661 to do this). 


663 To illustrate this, consider the following unit cell consisting 

664 of 3 sites and 4 hoppings:: 


666 o- 

667 \ 

668 o 

669 \ 

670 o- 


672 None of the sites are connected within the unit cell, however if we repeat 

673 a few unit cells:: 


675 o-o-o-o 

676 \ \ \ 

677 o o o o 

678 \ \ \ 

679 o-o-o-o 


681 we see that there is a loop crossing 4 unit cells. A connected unit cell 

682 is a sufficient condition that all the loops can be found by inspecting 

683 the graph consisting of two unit cells glued together. 

684 """ 

685 assert isinstance(syst, system.InfiniteSystem) 

686 n = syst.cell_size 

687 rows, cols = np.array([(i, j) for i, j in syst.graph 

688 if i < n and j < n]).transpose() 

689 data = np.ones(len(rows)) 

690 graph = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(n, n)) 

691 if csgraph.connected_components(graph, return_labels=False) > 1: 691 ↛ 692line 691 didn't jump to line 692, because the condition on line 691 was never true

692 raise ValueError( 

693 'Infinite system unit cell is not connected: we cannot determine ' 

694 'if there are any loops in the system\n\n' 

695 'If there are, then you must define your unit cell so that it is ' 

696 'connected. If there are not, then you must add zero-magnitude ' 

697 'hoppings to your system.' 

698 ) 



701def _check_composite_system(syst): 

702 """Check that we can consistently fix the gauge in a system with leads. 


704 If not, raise an exception with an informative error message. 

705 """ 

706 assert isinstance(syst, system.FiniteSystem) and syst.leads 

707 # Frozenset to quickly check 'is this site in the lead padding?' 

708 extras = [frozenset(sites) for sites in syst.lead_paddings] 

709 interfaces = [set(iface) for iface in syst.lead_interfaces] 

710 # Make interfaces between lead patches and the reduced scattering region. 

711 for interface, extra in zip(interfaces, extras): 

712 extra_interface = set() 

713 if extra: 

714 extra_interface = set() 

715 for i, j in syst.graph: 

716 if i in extra and j not in extra: 

717 extra_interface.add(j) 

718 interface -= extra 

719 interface |= extra_interface 

720 assert not extra.intersection(interface) 


722 pre_msg = ( 

723 'Attaching leads results in gauge-fixed loops in the extended ' 

724 'scattering region (scattering region plus one lead unit cell ' 

725 'from every lead). This does not allow consistent gauge-fixing.\n\n' 

726 ) 

727 solution_msg = ( 

728 'To avoid this error, attach leads further away from each other.\n\n' 

729 'Note: calling `attach_lead()` with `add_cells > 0` will not fix ' 

730 'this problem, as the added sites inherit the gauge from the lead. ' 

731 'To extend the scattering region, you must manually add sites ' 

732 'making sure that they use the scattering region gauge.' 

733 ) 


735 # Check that there is at most one overlapping site between 

736 # reduced interface of one lead and extra sites of another 

737 num_leads = len(syst.leads) 

738 metagraph = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((num_leads, num_leads)) 

739 for i, j in permutations(range(num_leads), 2): 

740 intersection = len(interfaces[i] & (interfaces[j] | extras[j])) 

741 if intersection > 1: 

742 raise ValueError( 

743 pre_msg 

744 + ('There is at least one gauge-fixed loop in the overlap ' 

745 'of leads {} and {}.\n\n'.format(i, j)) 

746 + solution_msg 

747 ) 

748 elif intersection == 1: 

749 metagraph[i, j] = 1 

750 # Check that there is no loop formed by gauge-fixed bonds of multiple leads. 

751 num_components = scipy.sparse.csgraph.connected_components(metagraph, return_labels=False) 

752 if metagraph.nnz // 2 + num_components != num_leads: 

753 raise ValueError( 

754 pre_msg 

755 + ('There is at least one gauge-fixed loop formed by more than 2 leads. ' 

756 ' The connectivity matrix of the leads is:\n\n' 

757 '{}\n\n'.format(metagraph.A)) 

758 + solution_msg 

759 ) 


761### Phase calculation 


763def _calculate_phases(loops, pos, previous_phase, flux): 

764 """Calculate the phase across the terminal links of a set of loops 


766 Parameters 

767 ---------- 

768 loops : sequence of sequences of int 

769 The loops over which to calculate the flux. We wish to find the phase 

770 over the link connecting the first and last sites in each loop. 

771 The phase across all other links in a given loop is assumed known. 

772 pos : callable : int -> ndarray 

773 A map from site (integer) to realspace position. 

774 previous_phase : callable 

775 Takes a dict that maps from links to phases, and a loop and returns 

776 the product of the phases across each link in the loop, 

777 *except* the link between the first and last site in the loop. 

778 flux : callable 

779 Takes a sequence of positions and returns the magnetic flux through the 

780 surface defined by the provided loop. 


782 Returns 

783 ------- 

784 phases : dict : (int, int) -> float 

785 A map from links to the phase across those links. 

786 """ 

787 phases = dict() 

788 for loop in loops: 

789 tail, head = loop[-1], loop[0] 

790 integral = flux([pos(p) for p in loop]) 

791 phase = np.exp(1j * np.pi * integral) 

792 phases[tail, head] = phase / previous_phase(phases, loop) 

793 return phases 



796# These functions are to be used with '_calculate_phases'. 

797# 'phases' always stores *either* the phase across (i, j) *or* 

798# (j, i), and never both. If a phase is not present it is assumed to 

799# be zero. 



802def _previous_phase_finite(phases, path): 

803 previous_phase = 1 

804 for i, j in zip(path, path[1:]): 

805 previous_phase *= phases.get((i, j), 1) 

806 previous_phase /= phases.get((j, i), 1) 

807 return previous_phase 



810def _previous_phase_infinite(cell_size, phases, path): 

811 previous_phase = 1 

812 for i, j in zip(path, path[1:]): 

813 # i and j are only in the fundamental unit cell (0 <= i < cell_size) 

814 # or the next one (cell_size <= i < 2 * cell_size). 

815 if i >= cell_size and j >= cell_size: 

816 assert i // cell_size == j // cell_size 

817 i = i % cell_size 

818 j = j % cell_size 

819 previous_phase *= phases.get((i, j), 1) 

820 previous_phase /= phases.get((j, i), 1) 

821 return previous_phase 



824def _previous_phase_composite(which_patch, extended_sites, lead_phases, 

825 phases, path): 

826 previous_phase = 1 

827 for i, j in zip(path, path[1:]): 

828 patch_i = which_patch(i) 

829 patch_j = which_patch(j) 

830 if patch_i == -1 and patch_j == -1: 

831 # Both sites in reduced scattering region. 

832 previous_phase *= phases.get((i, j), 1) 

833 previous_phase /= phases.get((j, i), 1) 

834 else: 

835 # At least one site in a lead patch; use the phase from the 

836 # associated lead. Check that if both are in a patch, they 

837 # are in the same patch. 

838 assert patch_i * patch_j <= 0 or patch_i == patch_j 

839 patch = max(patch_i, patch_j) 

840 a, b = extended_sites(i), extended_sites(j) 

841 previous_phase *= lead_phases[patch](a, b) 


843 return previous_phase 



846### High-level interface 


848# These functions glue all the above functionality together. 


850# Wrapper for phase dict that takes high-level sites 

851def _finite_wrapper(syst, phases, a, b): 

852 i = syst.id_by_site[a] 

853 j = syst.id_by_site[b] 

854 # We only store *either* (i, j) *or* (j, i). If not present 

855 # then the phase is unity by definition. 

856 if (i, j) in phases: 

857 return phases[i, j] 

858 elif (j, i) in phases: 

859 return phases[j, i].conjugate() 

860 else: 

861 return 1 



864def _infinite_wrapper(syst, phases, a, b): 

865 sym = syst.symmetry 

866 # Bring link to fundamental domain consistently with how 

867 # we store the phases. 

868 t = max(sym.which(a), sym.which(b)) 

869 a, b = sym.act(-t, a, b) 

870 i = syst.id_by_site[a] 

871 j = syst.id_by_site[b] 

872 # We only store *either* (i, j) *or* (j, i). If not present 

873 # then the phase is unity by definition. 

874 if (i, j) in phases: 

875 return phases[i, j] 

876 elif (j, i) in phases: 

877 return phases[j, i].conjugate() 

878 else: 

879 return 1 



882def _peierls_finite(syst, loops, syst_field, tol, average): 

883 integrate = partial(_surface_integral, syst_field, 

884 tol=tol, average=average) 

885 phases = _calculate_phases( 

886 loops, 

887 syst.pos, 

888 _previous_phase_finite, 

889 integrate, 

890 ) 

891 return partial(_finite_wrapper, syst, phases) 



894def _peierls_infinite(syst, loops, extended_sites, syst_field, tol, average): 

895 integrate = partial(_surface_integral, syst_field, 

896 tol=tol, average=average) 

897 phases = _calculate_phases( 

898 loops, 

899 lambda i: extended_sites(i).pos, 

900 partial(_previous_phase_infinite, syst.cell_size), 

901 integrate, 

902 ) 

903 return partial(_infinite_wrapper, syst, phases) 



906def _peierls_composite(syst, loops, which_patch, extended_sites, lead_gauges, 

907 syst_field, *lead_fields, tol, average): 

908 if len(lead_fields) != len(syst.leads): 908 ↛ 909line 908 didn't jump to line 909, because the condition on line 908 was never true

909 raise ValueError('Magnetic fields must be provided for all leads.') 


911 lead_phases = [gauge(B, tol=tol, average=average) 

912 for gauge, B in zip(lead_gauges, lead_fields)] 


914 flux = partial(_surface_integral, syst_field, tol=tol, average=average) 


916 # NOTE: uses the scattering region magnetic field to set the phase 

917 # of the inteface hoppings this choice is somewhat arbitrary, 

918 # but it is consistent with the position defined in the scattering 

919 # region coordinate system. the integrate functions for the leads 

920 # may be defined far from the interface. 

921 phases = _calculate_phases( 

922 loops, 

923 lambda i: extended_sites(i).pos, 

924 partial(_previous_phase_composite, 

925 which_patch, extended_sites, lead_phases), 

926 flux, 

927 ) 


929 return (partial(_finite_wrapper, syst, phases), *lead_phases) 



932# This class is essentially a closure, but documenting closures is a pain. 

933# To emphasise the lack of manipulatable or inspectable state, we name the 

934# class as we would for a function. 


936class magnetic_gauge: 

937 """Fix the magnetic gauge for a finalized system. 


939 This can be used to later calculate the Peierls phases that 

940 should be applied to each hopping, given a magnetic field. 


942 This API is currently provisional. Refer to the documentation 

943 for details. 


945 Parameters 

946 ---------- 

947 syst : `kwant.builder.FiniteSystem` or `kwant.builder.InfiniteSystem` 


949 Examples 

950 -------- 

951 The following illustrates basic usage for a scattering region with 

952 a single lead attached: 


954 >>> import numpy as np 

955 >>> import kwant 

956 >>> 

957 >>> def hopping(a, b, t, peierls): 

958 >>> return -t * peierls(a, b) 

959 >>> 

960 >>> syst = make_system(hopping) 

961 >>> lead = make_lead(hopping) 

962 >>> lead = lead.substituted(peierls='peierls_lead') 

963 >>> syst.attach_lead(lead) 

964 >>> syst = syst.finalized() 

965 >>> 

966 >>> gauge = kwant.physics.magnetic_gauge(syst) 

967 >>> 

968 >>> def B_syst(pos): 

969 >>> return np.exp(-np.sum(pos * pos)) 

970 >>> 

971 >>> peierls_syst, peierls_lead = gauge(B_syst, 0) 

972 >>> 

973 >>> params = dict(t=1, peierls=peierls_syst, peierls_lead=peierls_lead) 

974 >>> kwant.hamiltonian_submatrix(syst, params=params) 

975 """ 


977 def __init__(self, syst): 

978 if isinstance(syst, builder.FiniteSystem): 

979 if syst.leads: 

980 loops, which_patch, extended_sites = _loops_in_composite(syst) 

981 lead_gauges = [magnetic_gauge(lead) for lead in syst.leads] 

982 self._peierls = partial(_peierls_composite, syst, 

983 loops, which_patch, 

984 extended_sites, lead_gauges) 

985 else: 

986 loops = _loops_in_finite(syst) 

987 self._peierls = partial(_peierls_finite, syst, loops) 

988 elif isinstance(syst, builder.InfiniteSystem): 988 ↛ 993line 988 didn't jump to line 993, because the condition on line 988 was never false

989 loops, extended_sites = _loops_in_infinite(syst) 

990 self._peierls = partial(_peierls_infinite, syst, 

991 loops, extended_sites) 

992 else: 

993 raise TypeError('Expected a finalized Builder') 


995 def __call__(self, syst_field, *lead_fields, tol=1E-8, average=False): 

996 """Return the Peierls phase for a magnetic field configuration. 


998 Parameters 

999 ---------- 

1000 syst_field : scalar, vector or callable 

1001 The magnetic field to apply to the scattering region. 

1002 If callable, takes a position and returns the 

1003 magnetic field at that position. Can be a scalar if 

1004 the system is 1D or 2D, otherwise must be a vector. 

1005 Magnetic field is expressed in units :math:`φ₀ / l²`, 

1006 where :math:`φ₀` is the magnetic flux quantum and 

1007 :math:`l` is the unit of length. 

1008 *lead_fields : scalar, vector or callable 

1009 The magnetic fields to apply to each of the leads, in 

1010 the same format as 'syst_field'. In addition, if a callable 

1011 is provided, then the magnetic field must have the symmetry 

1012 of the associated lead. 

1013 tol : float, default: 1E-8 

1014 The tolerance to which to calculate the flux through each 

1015 hopping loop in the system. 

1016 average : bool, default: False 

1017 If True, estimate the magnetic flux through each hopping loop 

1018 in the system by evaluating the magnetic field at a single 

1019 position inside the loop and multiplying it by the area of the 

1020 loop. If False, then ``scipy.integrate.quad`` is used to integrate 

1021 the magnetic field. This parameter is only used when 'syst_field' 

1022 or 'lead_fields' are callable. 


1024 Returns 

1025 ------- 

1026 phases : callable, or sequence of callables 

1027 The first callable computes the Peierls phase in the scattering 

1028 region and the remaining callables compute the Peierls phases 

1029 in each of the leads. Each callable takes a pair of 

1030 `~kwant.system.Site` (a hopping) and returns a unit complex 

1031 number (Peierls phase) that multiplies that hopping. 

1032 """ 

1033 return self._peierls(syst_field, *lead_fields, tol=tol, average=False)